
Reflection: The Sunset

The Sunset

Sunsets move me.

They are epic conclusions to simple days, gentle blue swallowed in ferocious pink and orange, climactic fireworks to non-holidays nonetheless holy.

They are reminders.

The sunset reminds me to value my time.

As the daylight goes, so go the day’s opportunities.

As the darkness comes, and fatigue with it, so arises my awareness of my limitations, even of my mortality.

I can fight fatigue. I can work through the night. But I can’t regain the time. I can only steal it from myself, clawing for more today by slashing into tomorrow.

Such is this day.

Such is this life.

Today, let me choose rest.

The sunset reminds me of my self-centered predispositions.

The sun isn’t setting; I’m rising. It’s a misnomer originating from a time of simpler understandin that survives because I am always at the center of my universe, the main character of my story. Still, everyone else in creation has their own relationship to the sun, their own unique vantagepoint, their own story to tell.

And this should inspire me to share, not just my story, but my stage, and my world.

The day is ending for me. For someone else, however, it has only just begun. And what I do with my day can affect the lives of the people around me. The way I treat this Earth can impact the generations that follow me. I can be a blessing or a curse.

Today, let me choose blessing.

The sunset reminds me not to take myself so seriously.

In Psalm 8, David contemplating the glory of creation, said When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”

God’s concern for me is not logical; it’s grace.

It is not earned; it’s a gift.

It is not a sound proposition; it’s an act of love.

I am not objectively worthy of consideration.

I am not solely in possession of purpose.

It’s not about me.

It is about the good I can do.

Let me end this day in gratitude and expectation.

Today, let me choose work.

Today, let me choose wisely.

Tomorrow the sun will rise.

Tomorrow the work will continue.

Tomorrow life will persevere.

Tomorrow is another day.


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