• Grow us in hope. Embolden us to dream. 

    Empower us to see the light 

    where others may see only darkness. 

    Use us to banish despair, as those who speak 

    love, life, and light, into dark places.

    Grow us in hope. Embolden us to dream. Empower us to see the light where others may see only darkness. Use us to banish despair, as those who speak…

    Grow us in hope. Embolden us to dream. 

    Empower us to see the light 

    where others may see only darkness. 

    Use us to banish despair, as those who speak 

    love, life, and light, into dark places.

  • May we receive both conventional 

    and unconventional wisdom. 

    May we exercise both common 

    and uncommon sense, trusting you 

    every step of the way.

    May we receive both conventional
and unconventional wisdom.
May we exercise both common
and uncommon sense, trusting you
every step of the way.

    May we receive both conventional 

    and unconventional wisdom. 

    May we exercise both common 

    and uncommon sense, trusting you 

    every step of the way.

May we never detach from the moment. 

May we never harden our hearts to the cries of the people. 

May we repent of our selfishness today.

About Mischa

Mischa Field is writer, teacher, and ordained reverend who has served in ministry in Brooklyn for twenty-two years. A graduate of Amherst College and Alliance Theological Seminary, he finds consistent joy in uncovering the mysteries of faith and consistent humility in attempting to practice them. His writing explores the intersections of divinity and humanity: faith, politics, identity, culture, and the soul. Born in Brattleboro, VT, he lives… Read more

About Mischa

Mischa Field is writer, teacher, and ordained reverend who has served in ministry in Brooklyn for twenty-two years. A graduate of Amherst College and Alliance Theological Seminary, he finds consistent joy in uncovering the mysteries of faith and consistent humility in attempting to practice them. His writing explores the intersections of divinity and humanity: faith, politics, identity, culture, and the soul. Born in Brattleboro, VT, he lives… Read more


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