
Reflection: The Waves


Let me take this moment to breathe:

To inhale the light of Your presence

To inhale the warmth of Your love

To inhale the rhythms of this life, this undulating crashing gift, this steady drumbeat of grace.

Let me inhale the reminder that a new opportunity is just one wave away.

And let me exhale today

Not holding my breath awaiting disaster

Not holding my breath expecting rejection.

Not holding my breath till I get my way.

Today, let me accept Yours.

Today, let me exhale my fear for the future.

Today, let me exhale my regrets from the past.

Today, let me exhale my resentments toward others.

Today let me exhale my thoughts of myself.

Today, let me breathe in You.


Reflection: Under Pressure

How do we deal with stress?

Reflection: Embracing Change

Are our definitions of normal limiting us? How can we improve our responses to change?

Reflection: Free Yourself

Are your own choices imprisoning you?