Reflection: The Name Game
Are we lamenting our uniqueness, or embracing it? Are we seeking to hide when it's time to…
Car Chronicles 5: The Electric Slide
What is the price of dishonesty? How valuable is the truth?
Car Chronicles 4: The Leap of Faith
Sometimes faith calls us to jump. Other times it calls us to grow where we're planted. How…
Car Chronicles 3: Know What You Want
Are we making decisions out of fear, or are we deciding what we want, and looking to find it?
Car Chronicles 2: The Cockatoo
Are we talking when we should be listening? Are we asking the wisest people in the room?
Car Chronicles 1: The Door Guys
Can we benefit the communties we join? Can we honor the places we visit?
Reflection: “No Flip-flops in Capernaum”
Can we embrace new seasons when they come? Can we recognize when life has improved?
New York Minute: The Flat Tire
Can we accept help when we need it? Can we accept love when we need it? Can we distinguish…
New York Minute: Dancing on the Ceiling
How do we share our souls without harming others in the process? How can we show people grace…
New York Minute: Love in an Elevator
Can we be kind when we're uncomfortable? Can we stay cool even though we're hot?
Hard to Say I’m Sorry: The Road to Repentance and the Gateway of Grace
Can we own our mistakes? Can we truly claim to love someone if we won't at least try?