
Reflection: Walking on Holy Ground

Can we preserve the joy of our innocence once we think we know too much?

Reflection: Standing on Holy Ground

How do we cultivate sacred spaces? How do we protect them?

Reflection: Quiet Noise

Are we still enough to pay attention?. Are we quiet enough to hear from God?

A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

Are we asking the right questions? Are we learning from the answers we get?

Reflection: The Cheerful Giver

How do we answer the call to help?

Car Chronicles 6: Highway to Hell

Can we learn to share the road?

Reflection: The Beloved Community

Can we find the grace to stay when offenses tempt us to leave?

Reflection: The Name Game

Are we lamenting our uniqueness, or embracing it? Are we seeking to hide when it's time to…

Car Chronicles 5: The Electric Slide

What is the price of dishonesty? How valuable is the truth?

Car Chronicles 4: The Leap of Faith

Sometimes faith calls us to jump. Other times it calls us to grow where we're planted. How…

Car Chronicles 3: Know What You Want

Are we making decisions out of fear, or are we deciding what we want, and looking to find it?

Car Chronicles 2: The Cockatoo

Are we talking when we should be listening? Are we asking the wisest people in the room?